Referring to the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture No. 3 of 2020 concerning the National Higher Education Standards and the SPT-I/01 Competency Standards for UPJ Graduates, every graduate of the Psychology Department at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya is required to have the following attitudes:
Code | Attitude Outcome |
PSG-S-1 | Be fearful of God Almighty and able to show a religious attitude; |
PSG-S-2 | Uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics; |
PSG-S-3 | Contribute to improving the quality of life of Pancasila-based society, country, state and civilization; |
PSG-S-4 | Act as citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and are responsible for the nation and state; |
PSG-S-5 | Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or findings of others; |
PSG-S-6 | Work together, socially sensitive, socially responsible and environmentally friendly; |
PSG-S-7 | Comply with public and state law and discipline |
PSG-S-8 | Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics; |
PSG-S-9 | Demonstrate a responsible attitude for work in their area of expertise independently; |
PSG-S-10 | Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship; |
Referring to the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture No. 3 of 2020 concerning the National Higher Education Standards and the SPT-I/01 Competency Standards for UPJ Graduates, every graduate of the Psychology Department at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya is required to have the following general skills:
Code | General Skill Outcome |
PSG-KU-1 | Able to apply logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking to the creation or application of science and technology that pays attention to and applies values of humanities in accordance with their area of expertise; |
PSG-KU-2 | Able to demonstrate independent, quality and measurable performance; |
PSG-KU-3 | Able to analyze the implications of developing or implementing science technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their expertise on the basis of scientific principles, procedures and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism, compile a scientific description of the results of their studies in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it to the University website; |
PSG-KU-4 | Able to compile a scientific presentation of the results of the study mentioned above in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the University website; |
PSG-KU-5 | Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem-solving in their field of expertise, based on the research findings and data analysis; |
PSG-KU-6 | Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, peers within and outside the institution; |
PSG-KU-7 | Able to be responsible for the accomplishment of group work and to supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to members under their responsibility; |
PSG-KU-8 | Able to carry out the self-evaluation process of the work group under their responsibility, and able to manage learning independently; |
PSG-KU-9 | Able to document, store, secure, and recover data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism |
PSG-KU-10 | Able to publish academic work in the form of a thesis or final project report uploaded to the University's webpage. |
PSG-KU-11 | Able to adapt, cooperate, develop, contribute and innovate in the application of science to social life and act as global citizens with a global outlook |
PSG-KU-12 | Able to uphold academic integrity in general and prevent plagiarism practices. |
PSG-KU-13 | Able to use information technology in the context of scientific development and implementation in the areas of expertise. |
PSG-KU-14 | Able to master at least one international language in spoken and written communication. |
Mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia No. 3 Tahun 2020 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi, Standar SPT-I/01 Standar Kompetensi Lulusan UPJ, dan Kurikulum Asosiasi Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Psikologi Indonesia (AP2TPI), maka setiap lulusan Program Studi Psikologi Universitas Pembangunan Jaya wajib memiliki Pengetahuan sebagai berikut :
Code | Knowledge Outcome |
PSG-P-1 | Mampu menguasai konsep dasar dan teori psikologi untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisis berbagai gejala psikologi pada individu, kelompok, organisasi dan komunitas. |
PSG-P-2 | Mampu memahami dan menerapkan metode penelitian dasar psikologi termasuk rancangan penelitian, analisis data, dan intepretasinya. |
PSG-P-3 | Mampu memahami konsep dasar asesesmen psikologis dalam menganalisis gejala psikologis pada individu, kelompok, organisasi dan komunitas. |
PSG-P-4 | Mampu memahami konsep intervensi non-klinis berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip perubahan perilaku pada individu, kelompok, organisasi, dan komunitas. |
PSG-P-5 | Mampu menguasai prinsip-prinsip literasi data, teknologi, dan humanitas. |
Referring to the Regulation of the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture No. 3 of 2020 concerning the National Higher Education Standards and the SPT-I/01 Competency Standards for UPJ Graduates, every graduate of the Psychology Department at Universitas Pembangunan Jaya is required to have the following specific skills:
Code | Special Skills Outcome |
PSG-KK-1 | Able to use science and technology to solve problems; |
PSG-KK-2 | Able to apply the Jaya Virtues to become a dignified human being; |
PSG-KK-3 | Have insight into knowledge outside the area of study, related to urban development and urban lifestyle. |
PSG-KK-4 | Able to utilize science and technology by taking into account the balance of nature and the environment (Sustainable Eco-development); |
PSG-KK-5 | Have an entrepreneurial spirit to foster the community welfare. |
PSG-KK-6 | Hold an English certificate (TOEIC) and ICT certificate, or in a related skill. |
PSG-KK-7 | Able to perform interviews, observations, psychological assessments that are approved in accordance with the principles of psychodiagnostics and the Indonesian Psychological Code of Ethics. |
PSG-KK-8 | Able to develop psychological measuring instruments based on the concepts of classical and modern test theory. |
PSG-KK-9 | Able to examine non-clinical psychological and behavioral problems and offer potential solutions to existing problems. |
PSG-KK-10 | Able to carry out non-clinical psychological interventions for behavior change of individuals, groups, organizations and urban communities using counseling, psychoeducation, training and other approved intervention techniques based on theoretical concepts in psychology and the Indonesian Psychological Code of Ethics. |
PSG-KK-11 | Able to obtain data information and to conduct data analysis responsibly. |
PSG-KK-12 | Able to obtain and process information in a responsible psychological context through the use of technology. |
PSG-KK-13 | Able to conduct psychological research using generic quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. |
PSG-KK-14 | Able to communicate the conceptual ideas and findings of psychological research in the form of scientific writing in accordance with ethical and professional principles. |
PSG-KK-15 | Able to plan and develop a career and self-development (career and personal development). |
PSG-KK-16 | Able to be responsible for the outcomes of the work based on the Indonesian Psychological Code of Ethics. |